Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Father's Day?

Father's Day has come and passed, yet nobody seemed to really care. You don't see special offers in flower shops (for gay dads) or big sales at Armani for father's day do you? I've always wondered why this was so. Is it because your Dad seems to care less about you than your Mum? After all, you Mum did carry you in her belly for 9 long months (unless your adopted, then it would be a little more complicated), but the Dad is the moneymaker (that sounds so much like ass), he brings home the bacon (chicken if your Muslim). Is that not enough? Do we celebrate mother's day merely to make up for all the lost time during those 9 grueling months?

Why am I talking about father's day for anyway? Since no one cares, no one would read this. Except for you, your special. Well maybe it's just because I wanted to show a picture of my family (and some other family) at a Brazilian meat restaurant!


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